Hire the top SEO & content marketing consultants
Our consultants can audit your site, create an SEO and content marketing plan, and help you hire SEO copywriters that align with your brand voice.
Hire Talent Apply to Freelance
Our consultants can audit your site, create an SEO and content marketing plan, and help you hire SEO copywriters that align with your brand voice.
Hire Talent Apply to FreelanceOne of our experts works with you to understand the skills needed, your goals, team dynamics, and tech requirements.
In 24-48 hours, we'll match you with the perfect consultant for your project.
Work with your new team member for a day on a trial basis and only pay if satisfied.
We’ve curated the top 1% of marketers with skills in SEO, content marketing, blog content, emails, and more.
Get an all-around utility player to execute on the 20+ things SEO managers need to keep on top of.
Figuring out what's trending, what content will be popular and getting it created is a definite skill.
We have conversion-focused copywriters, SEO copywriters, and content copywriters for most any industry or niche.
SEO Audits are a bit of art and a lot of data. Get someone experienced who specializes in them.
Local SEO is a unique set of tactics, strategies, and skills (and, increasingly, tools). Don't do it yourself - it will cost you more.
Coming up with breakthrough SEO and content marketing strategies is not a trivial task.
From SEO audits and linkbuilding to copywriting and video SEO, our consultants have you covered.
Schedule a call and we'll see if we can help.
Nope. There are no upfront recruiting fees on consulting contracts. We take care of matching you with a top marketer and schedule a free 30 minute introductory call.
If you fall in love with your marketer and want to make them an in-house employee, we do charge a standard recruitment fee (but credit you for the time they have already worked for you).
No problem. Sometimes the chemistry just isn’t there, and we want you to find the perfect match. We’ll connect you with a different marketer free of charge.
We get thousands of applicants a month and accept very few. Our screening process includes: a LinkedIn or resume review, communication skills assessment, screening call, subject matter expert assessment, work sample review, practical exercise, and reference checks.
97% of our marketing consultants are located in the U.S. and Canada. There’s also one really good and crotchety CRO consultant in the UK.
Most of our marketing consultants work from home or co-working space, but we have helped some clients hire freelance marketing consultants that don’t mind coming into their office periodically and working on-site.
Our marketing consultants set their own consulting rates based on their years of experience, specialty, geographic and location.
Rates generally fall into between $80-$150+/hour for mid-to-senior level consultants, and 150-250/hour for more senior (e.g. CMO, VP Marketing) consultants. We also offer 10-20% discounts for 20, 30, and 40-hour commitments.
Note: To make sure we give our freelance consultants good ongoing opportunities, we do ask for a soft minimum of $1500 per month in all our engagements.
We invoice weekly and clients can review charges before they get processed. We currently accept all major credit cards and ACH.